Wednesday, 11. May 2005

when i dream of us being together....

i sometimes get so excited that i start looking
for a place to imagine what i could be like
when we live there together.
Maybe it will be something like that.
or maybe different (i still think most of these mission apartments
loo quite the same).
but it has to have a real bakery to buy fresh morning for breakfast
and a park to pick flowers from.

yipee! yipee! yipee!

puppies, horses and unicorns come together for a little
e-celebration as the bots became an official approved
couple today.
now it will hopefully only last a couple of months until
we can finally be together for a very, very long time.

i'm smiling and smiling. suddenly i' m feeling a lot more
happier than i did throughout the last couple of weeks:
from "sky high cheering til saddened to death".

thank you happy day for the good news.
and don't forget to kiss the lbot before she goes to bed.

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