Monday, 30. May 2005

save the l-bot...

and protect her from having bad days.
this version here is the new model that can travel light speed,
has build in oil tanks and a detachable belly for carrying
additional beer supplies...
not to mention its cold feet and the reproduction of sweaty
marks around his armpits


Tuesday, 24. May 2005

the mbot is very cute

in the video. your hairs are getting so long these days...

i am really excited about this letter even though the impending doom of finals has kind of dampened my life force.

look for a newer lbot next week i think


live from the k1-mailbox

i am always so excited when i go to my mailbox these days
that i started videotaping it...
and this is why you actually get to see this video that
shows how happy mbot is receiving package no.3 from the american

holz ist...

Thursday, 19. May 2005

lbot missing mbot's jubelfest

it is so tragic that you won't get to congratulate me this year in person.
i don' t even celebrate anything... but it would be nice if we could do
it together.
or when i will turn 30, we will just pretend to give a 30ies party together.
then i could just forget about your birthday. i mean, i don't think that
i wanna celebrate mine. or maybe?
the diversion of time perception and time movement?
more parties and backslapping.

Friday, 13. May 2005

m y i m a g i n a t i o n i s c o m i n g b a c k

it was gone for a while but now i can see that
there is still a lot of things to do that bots
haven't done before.
still motivated by this week's highlight i
can see that the time here soon will be
over. better take it and get things going.

happy to move on.

Thursday, 12. May 2005

i really wish i had a digital camera

so i could add cool new images to the blog...but i don't have anything new that you don't. maybe i'll get something good in las vegas.

boy oh boy am i so tired. and a headache and maybe die Tuberkulose but i just want to write a little on the blog. and also to say that i never feel that you are too kitschy. i am really happy that you can share your feelings with me. you are a lovely bot. and i am so happy to be with you.

Wednesday, 11. May 2005

when i dream of us being together....

i sometimes get so excited that i start looking
for a place to imagine what i could be like
when we live there together.
Maybe it will be something like that.
or maybe different (i still think most of these mission apartments
loo quite the same).
but it has to have a real bakery to buy fresh morning for breakfast
and a park to pick flowers from.

yipee! yipee! yipee!

puppies, horses and unicorns come together for a little
e-celebration as the bots became an official approved
couple today.
now it will hopefully only last a couple of months until
we can finally be together for a very, very long time.

i'm smiling and smiling. suddenly i' m feeling a lot more
happier than i did throughout the last couple of weeks:
from "sky high cheering til saddened to death".

thank you happy day for the good news.
and don't forget to kiss the lbot before she goes to bed.

Tuesday, 10. May 2005

i never did manage to catch a taxi

and so i took the muni and was about an hour late to class. but hey .... c'est la vie, oui?

i got an email from my uncle saying that something came from homeland security. he lost my phone number though so he couldn't call me. i checked the case status online and there was nothing new. i am guessing it is just a written confirmation that they received the evidence on april 29th. i don't think they would make a decision that quickly.

but the lbot is still a stress ball. and she needs her matzi ball.

Monday, 9. May 2005

common people you can do it...

to see how many people might visit this space,
here is the chance to prove that you were here.

rate us now
what are we like?

... farmers on the honeycakehorseranch
... victims of a globalized failure of the hypermediocre non-existent middle class
... wretched neirds
... a proven example that love can cross oceans, mountains and all the garbage in bet


matzi, 18:09h.

but i wrote something...

about my legs being hurty. i couldn't sleep well. my neighbor was mumbling something in a weird language that frightened me.

now i am at work. still a little sleepy. but royksopp is a good way to start the day.

missing lbot's note

i'm blocked. i can't write without any response from the other side. what is wrong?
my energy cells won't get charged like that.
it's too early in the morning to open my eyes. hair are in their way.

Sunday, 8. May 2005

es ist alles und nichts

when 2bots got together nobody knew they were planning to take over the machine state someday. they are still working on it...
but at the moment they are walking on different sides of the planet where day and night changes occur quite in opposite ways. and while they suffer they play the world's smallest violine. both happen to possess the same exact copy.


songs that can be played in a duet will pe posted here in the next couple of months.
happy suffering.


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